Does taking time for yourself during the holidays sound like a selfish act? What comes to mind when you hear the words self care? With all the increased activities, travel plans, house guests, holiday parties and celebrations focused around food, it is important now, more than ever, to take exceptional care of yourself. When you are truly happy, you have so much more to give to others. Read on for some self care tips to keep you balanced and healthy this holiday season.

If you are going to be sitting for an extended period of time, such as traveling, use your time creatively. Relax and remember how valuable quiet time can be. Deep breathing is perhaps the fastest way to refresh yourself. Just as your computer screens need to be refreshed once in a while, taking a few deep breaths with your eyes closed can refresh your energy and breathe new life into whatever you are doing.

Even if you have house guests, keep up with a few personal activities that bring you joy. Take a dedicated five minutes of ‘me time’ each day. Unplug from the internet and take time away from your phone and electronic devices.

PathKeep up with your exercise routine or make a choice to start one. Stay well-hydrated; drink plenty of water. Pamper yourself by getting a massage or taking an Epsom salt bath by candlelight.

Say no to sweets and extra helpings of food if you are not hungry. Enjoy a home-cooked meal and stick to your food and wellness goals as much as you can during this holiday season.

Let go of what no longer serves you physically and emotionally. Clean out your closets and make room for new things that bring you joy. Finish lingering projects so you can free up your energy to attract experiences you do want in your life.

When you are thinking about what you want 2016 to be like, make sure you include yourself in the picture you are creating and get specific. In order to stick to any self care goals or resolutions that you have in mind, it is important to visualize the way you want your life to be. Here are some tips for writing effective, life-changing resolutions.

Instead of using general phrases such as save money or travel around the world, put yourself into your resolutions. For example: I save money and I travel around the world.

The words you select can determine if you will make or break your resolutions. As you start to write your resolutions you may find that you are using vague concepts like lose weight, exercise more and eat less. Vague language is great for getting started with ideas for resolutions, but getting more specific will help you actually create something that is attainable and take action. So, build on the general ideas with more specific word choices. For example, if your goal is to exercise more, try something like I enjoy walking and doing yoga three days per week. I feel good about my body. I like looking in the mirror.

It is important to get clarity on what you really desire and spell it out in your resolutions. Write your resolutions as if they are already happening now. Describe how you feel and get specific by taking your resolutions a little bit further. For example, instead of I want to spend more time in nature, try something like I sit on my back porch and watch the sunrise at leastBoardwalk one day each week and I feel peaceful. I start my day with peace. These statements clearly define where, when and the desired outcome of feeling peace, which is attainable and trackable. Do you see how getting specific helps paint a clearer picture?

Here are some starters for resolutions:

I experience…

I see…

I receive…

I feel…

I enjoy…

What do you want to create in 2016? Be sure to take some time for yourself this holiday season. Make good choices with your food, exercise and how you spend your time. Make inspiring resolutions and remember that balance is the key to a healthy body, mind and spirit.

If you’d like more health tips, check out Samadhi’s book, Healthy Eating, Healthy Living, Healthy You.



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