Did you know the level of health and wellness of your entire body can be observed by looking into your eyes? The iris (the colored part of the eyes) connects to every aspect of the body through the brain and nervous system. Each iris is made of over twenty thousand nerve endings. These can be interpreted through Iridology, which is the study of the color and structure of the iris.
In addition to being the windows to your soul, your eyes reveal what you have inherited from previous generations emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. Genetic strengths and weakness can be discovered through Iris Analysis.
When you see your eyes through the magnification of a lens or iris photograph, you will see that your left eye is very different than your right eye. No two eyes are the same; even identical twins have different eyes. Your eyes reflect a blending of the DNA from your parents and previous generations, but they are unique to you.
An Iridology study of your family is an amazing way to see your relatives in a new light. Genetic traits can be directly traced through generations. For example, both parents may have blue eyes and the child may have brown eyes, taking after his grandfather. With the perspective that iridology offers, we can look back to the grandfather’s life to understand the brown eyed child of today.
You may be carrying a recessive trait from several generations back that shows up in your eyes. This trait may be affecting your thyroid but isn’t causing you any noticeable symptoms. Armed with this information a nutritional suggestion might be to eat sea vegetables such as nori and kelp. Sea vegetables are some of the best food sources of natural iodine and can be very beneficial to the thyroid gland.
The beauty of Iridology is we can know what areas of the body to nourish and care for before a problem develops. This is the basis of preventative, constitutional health care. Having an Iris Analysis will provide personalized information about what traits you have come forward with, what areas of your body need extra nutrition to prevent deficiencies, and how to eat right for your individual constitution.
There are three primary eye colors: blue, brown, and hazel. Blue eyes are referred to as Lymphatic, brown eyes are called Hematogenic, and hazel eyes are called Biliary. Your eye color determines much about your health and is a guide to foods that contribute positively or negatively to your overall health.
Research has proven that people with blue eyes have specific health tendencies which are different than people with brown eyes or green eyes. People with green eyes have different health tendencies than people with brown eyes, etc. Because of these genetic tendencies, nutritional guidelines based in Iridology can be helpful tools when choosing what to eat and what not to eat. By providing the necessary nutrients through proper eating it is possible to maintain ideal health. This can be some of the best preventative care that we have available today.
For more information about iridology and nutrition, click here find out how Dr. Samadhi can help you.