“Samadhi not only gave me a solid nutrition plan, she helped me reclaim my life. My eating had gotten out of control is several capacities — compulsive overeating, yo-yo dieting, overexercising — and it was impacting my personal life, career, and my body. Samadhi was able to tune in to all of these things, and help me develop a nutrition plan to help me curb my overeating and also rebuild my strength after restricting my diet and depriving myself of certain food groups for too long. She also gave me great, sound advice on life. Less than a month after meeting with her and I am feeling stronger, more energized, healthier, happier, and more balanced. I am truly very grateful to her.” ~Elizabeth Horn
“Samadhi has brought about more positive change in my short time with her than the various physicians who cared for me in all the years past combined. I went to her for my allergies but to my surprise she has helped me with so much more. She is a one-stop shop for pretty much anything that ails you. I joke with her and tell her I truly wish I could take her healing hands out of my medicine cabinet at home. I also feel more comfortable with and have gotten better results from the natural products she gives or suggests for me. I would be remiss to not mention and thank her for the care she has provided for my mother. The care she has given to my mom has netted results that have bettered her life and our family as a whole. Thank you Samadhi.” ~Ricky Alphonse
“I’ve been working with Samadhi for a few months now and I am so delighted with her whole body approach. While working through a muscle issue with body work and acupuncture, we’ve also delved into nutrition, done iridology and brought my seasonal allergies into control. She’s such a committed professional with so much experience but she’s also on time, tactful and very easy to talk to. I would recommend her to anyone ready to make some serious strides forward in their overall health and sense of wellbeing.” ~Kristen Manieri
“Samadhi’s combined knowledge and experience will enable you to address any aspect of your health and nutrition. InJoy Healthcare is a fantastic place to find assistance and support in that process. Yet, beyond what I just mentioned, Samadhi truly cares and wants to help people.” ~Destry Hilliker
“Samadhi is a wealth of knowledge and I learn something new at each visit. I highly recommend making an appointment with her for anyone who is looking to improve their overall health.”
~Kristen Sanders
“Thank you to Samadhi for her care, compassion, and knowledge. As a midwife, expecting my 2nd child, I am mindful about choosing practitioners to support my health and body. I have known Samadhi for years in my community but had never been in her office myself until recently. It was a nourishing experience and I look forward to continuing my care with her. I whole-heartedly recommend her!” ~Michelle Isla
“After living for years with neck and back problems after a car accident, I walked into Samadhi Artemisa’s office. What a relief to finally get some relief! I had previously seen numerous physical therapists who would hook me to a machine, bill my insurance, and send me on my way. Samadhi is an insightful, caring person and her hands on approach has made all the difference. I know, without a doubt, that I’m being helped by the right person. I was a bit skeptical about an ‘Eastern’ approach to medicine until I experienced it. Samadhi has helped me review all areas of my life (how I sleep, nutrition, breathing, posture, etc.) by explaining in depth the cause and effect of my issues. This knowledge and understanding, along with her healing touch, has really made a positive difference. I feel like I have a new lease on life.” ~Randa Black
“I have worked with Samadhi for years, and trust her implicitly with any health-related question I might have. She’s my first stop, ALWAYS, if I want to explore how to address something holistically. And if she feels there is another practitioner or modality that would better suit a particular need, she is not afraid to refer me to the right place. She’s a WONDERFUL resource. I refer everyone to her, without hesitation. She knows her stuff, is passionate about her work, and genuinely cares about people. I’m so grateful to know her.”
~Erica Boucher
“I am enjoying my diet. I like having something so personalized and I am feeling so much better. I really like knowing what to eat.” ~N.S. Orlando
“We all have our talents. Yours is helping people
change their lives in deep and profound ways. You’re the best and I think you’re wonderful and I
recommend everyone to you.” ~C.M. Orlando
“I have been going to In Joy for a few years now. A close friend had originally recommended I experience their Iridology and I was blown away at what Samadhi was able to decipher from just a couple quick photos. This, plus her intimate knowledge of the body through Oriental Medicine, massage and nutrition makes her my go-to for keeping my body in peak health. She knows far more about the body than any MD, and she is respectful and loving towards her clients. I cannot recommend In Joy Healthcare enough.” ~Christopher Miller
“Thank you for fixing me up. My posture is so much better than it used to be and the migraine headaches are gone!” ~S.M. Orlando
“If you are ready to make some changes in your life and be a healthier you InJoy Healthcare is a fantastic place to find assistance and support in that process.” ~C.W. Gainesville, FL
“Iam a healthy individual who prides herself on eating a fairly clean diet, getting exercise and solving whatever ailments I can through proper rest and nutrition. When I developed a chronic issue with my stomach and knew my body had taken a toll from my high stress lifestyle, I began exploring how to bring my body back to balance and solve my issue of a burning gut. I’ve known Samadhi for many years as a healing practitioner. She was always the most talented I’d ever experienced. Her intuition and skill were remarkable and her knowledge continued to grow. I was delighted to discover she had expanded her skills to include iridology and acupuncture. I set up a session, and her holistic approach was exactly what I needed.
The iridology results not only answered some questions about where my health challenges might lie, it also enlightened me about my general constitution in such a way that I now understand a few things that help me all around. She discussed my diet and gave me an outline of foods that would suit my constitution, and also helped me understand where the discomfort with my stomach might be coming from. After following her advice, a few visits and making those adjustments, my stomach began to heal. I was so grateful; I’d lived with the problem for a long time and was concerned I might have to resort to medication. I now have tools that I can apply when I start to fall off the wagon and become aware of the issues I’m creating for myself. The problems with my stomach have been gone for years now. “ ~H.G. Baltimore, WA
“I made an appointment with Samadhi after I saw the report on iridology on the Dr. Oz show. At first I wasn’t sure what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised by how knowledgeable and thorough she was. She answered all of my questions and even told me about health issues I needed to be aware of in the future. I would highly recommend Samadhi to anyone wanting to become more informed about their personal health. Thanks!” ~C.L.
“Samadhi is maybe the most gifted healer I have ever known. As I see it, she gets to the root cause as opposed to just the symptoms. Samadhi has immeasurable amounts of patience, compassion and humility. She always sees me as a unique individual, she has never labeled me or used a cookie cutter approach . Samadhi thinks outside the box and exhibits the best qualities of the ‘beginners mind’ even with all of her education and wisdom. I highly recommend Samadhi to anyone who truly wants to heal and reach their full potential.” ~H.G. Pagosa Springs, CO
“Thank you! for sharing a tremendous amount of valuable information. We are so blessed to have you in our community.” ~A.D. Orlando
“I started getting treatment from Samadhi 15 years ago. I had spent most of my life developing myself spiritually and mentally and then at age 58 I began to get to know my physical body through her treatments. I am in better shape physically today at age 70 than I was when I was younger. I used to have chronic headaches and wouldn’t let anyone touch my neck and she worked with me slowly over several years and now my headaches are infrequent and I know what to do to relieve them. I am more flexible than I was thanks to her and many other aspects of my health have improved because of her care.” ~M.S. Winter Park
“Your presentation was insightful and informative on Saturday. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.”
~E.B. Ocoee
“As a skeptic, I was surprised at how I immediately connected with Samadhi. I determined that she was really interested in helping people be as healthy as they can be. After taking a class where she introduced Iridology, I was intrigued and decided to undertake the procedure. I found the results very credible in comparison to what I know of my family’s medical history. In addition, Samadhi consulted with me and helped me to develop a plan for health concerns that I am experiencing and want to mitigate the impacts of as I grow older. It has taken a few months for me to implement her suggestions, but I am finding them to be very beneficial.” ~L.A. Orlando, FL
“Even if you do not have any known health concerns, in our day and age anything can happen to you. That’s why going to see Samadhi is so beneficial because she is able to see what you need to do to prevent threatening genetic ailments. Especially if you have someone that you love, take them with you to see her and your lives will be forever changed for the better. Every single second with Samadhi is like enlightenment mixed with excitement, a dash of astonishment, with a load of some eagerness to make change! Samadhi is an angel from God and was put on this earth for a reason- to spread love and enlightenment to those who are willing to reciprocate.” ~Z.M. Orlando, FL